Afarinick Company Limited (ACL), is an indigenous Ghanaian owned company, strategically positioned to provide landscape restoration services including but not limited to the provision of farm and forest landscape management services
Afarinick contributes to the enhancement of Ghana's agricultural sector through effective supply chain management facilitated by their introduction of agriculutural mechanization to intensify farm and landscape management support, bolster a culture of sustainable farm and landscape management practices by providing necessary trainngs, improving access to quality planting materials and ensuring active of resource monitoring
Primarily operationalized to facilitate the implementation of sustainability activities within the Ghanaian Cocoa value chain, Afarinick has garnered in-depth understanding of the value chain through the implementation of its flagship program, The Cocoa Rehabilitation Program, learning valuable lessons replicable in all aspects of the agricultural sector.
With over 30,000 personnel comprising of landscape management experts, crop and soil scientists, project managers and officers, techinical and rehabilitation assistants, Afarinick has contributed immensely to the rehabilitation and maintenance of more than 65,000 hectares of sustainable prodcution compliant cocoa farms.
To support its rehabilitation efforts, Afarinick has invested in Seedling production infrastructure within the cocoa producing regions, with a combined capacity to produce over 120 million seedlings, with its largest Seedling Production facility sited at Suaman Dadieso in the Western North region of Ghana.
Afarnick is committed to the implementation of Carbon Neutral Projects in alignment with global standards on Climate action (Sustainable Development Goal 13). Through project matching and investment catalyzation, Afarinick promotes Agroforestry, one of the leading nature based climate action solutions as well as other projects such as Biochar to lock in a significant amount of carbon contributing immensely to a reduction of carbon emissions
The furistic plans of Afarinick is to extend its sustainable landscape (farm and forest) management expertise across West Africa in alignment with the UN Sustainable Development Goals particularly SDG 8, Decent Work and Economic Growth tying into SDG 1, No Poverty, SDG 13 on Sustainble Consumption and Production resulting in our contribution to SDG 2, Zero Hunger and SDG 12 on Climate Action through the promotion and implementation of Carbon Neurtal Projects.
Farm Equipment
Nursery Sites
The 5 values that shape our actions towards work, our clients and suppliers;
Our greatest advantage is our ability to develop innovative projects that address local and global issues with the support of our well-resourced team of experts
We pride ourselves with improving access of farmers to farm consultancy and management services as well as improving their access to inputs and planting materials
We are committed to contributing positively to the agricultural sector in Ghana
Our team is made of goal-oriented members who work efficiently towards the achievement of ACL’s vision
We take ownership for the quality of our individual work but also take pride of what we deliver as a team of farm; Our focus is on a successful for all.
Afarinick Company Limited provides innovative solutions in farm management, forest restoration, and GIS services, contributing to sustainable development and ecological balance.