Plantain Nursery Project


Farmers per Month


Varieties of Seedlings

1.5 million

Seedlings Distributed


Satisfied Farmers

Afarinick Company Limited (ACL) is a subsidiary of CJ Commodities Limited and a sister company of AMP Logistics (GH) Limited borne out of the need to contribute to the agricultural sector through the provision of an all-inclusive supply chain management service ranging from farm management services, marketing of produce, input, and quality planting material supply.

Product & Services

In partnership with farm input supply companies, local and abroad, ACL supplies only the recommended farm inputs to farmers in Ghana with consideration…

We provide farm extension services to farmers at subsidized fees to help with the management of their farmlands. It is a known fact that farmers… 

ACL has established seedling gardens and community nurseries in selected CJ districts to improve access of farmers within the districts with quality planting…

We provide farm rehabilitation services including the cutting of diseased trees, seedling propagation and replanting services to boost farm yields…

ACL has an in-depth understanding of the agricultural value chain, from farm establishment, input supply and application, produce marketing and logistical…

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