About Us


Afarinick Company Limited (ACL) is a subsidiary of CJ Commodities Limited and a sister company of AMP Logistics (GH) Limited borne out of the need to contribute to the agricultural sector through the provision of an all-inclusive supply chain management service ranging from farm management services, marketing of produce, input, and quality planting material supply.

Primarily operationalized to support sustainability activities of both CJ Commodities Limited and AMP, Afarinick has garnered an in-depth understanding of the cocoa value chain in Ghana. Afarinick’s services array has been designed to support cocoa farmers produce cocoa sustainable. In the past year, ACL has raised 80,000 plantain suckers, 200,000 cocoa seedlings and 50,000 desirable shade trees for the benefit of cocoa farmers within the CJ Commodities Limited supply chain as part of the CJ sustainable sourcing program, improving access of these farmers to quality planting materials.

Additionally, ACL is committed to contributing to carbon reduction in line with the Global standards. In collaboration with AMP and likeminded cocoa processing companies ACL has developed a Carbon Neutral Project to offset AMP’s carbon footprint because of the transportation services AMP provides. The haulage of cocoa beans and cocoa products amongst other commodities for stakeholders within the value chain results in the emission of carbon. The emissions are tracked through the Carbon Neutral project and offset through the promotion of agroforestry for carbon sequestration within the CJ supply chain.

This falls in line with the overall objective of ACL to contribute positively to sustainable production of cocoa, climate change mitigation and the promotion of agroforestry within the cocoa value chain.

Our Mission

To contribute to the achievement of SDG 2, Zero Hunger (end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture) by providing targeted agricultural management services to farmers in Ghana

Our Vision

To be a leading agro-industrial actor, providing innovative solutions that generate value all along our commodities value chain

Our Values

The 6 values that shape our actions towards work, our clients, suppliers, and each other are:

Our greatest advantage is our ability to develop innovative projects that address local and global issues with the support of our well-resourced team of experts

We pride ourselves with improving access of farmers to farm consultancy and management services as well as improving their access to inputs and planting materials

We are committed to contributing positively to the agricultural sector in Ghana

Our team is made of goal-oriented members who work efficiently towards the achievement of ACL’s vision

We take ownership for the quality of our individual work but also take pride in what we deliver as a team; our focus is on a successful outcome for all

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